Decision-Making Reading
A Decision-Making Reading is ideal, if you have a decision to make, and are requiring clarity and guidance. A Decision-Making Reading will help clarify your options, give you a broader perspective; saving yourself time, energy or heartache by making an informed choice for your highest path and purpose from your Spirit Guides.

We make hundreds of decisions every day most of which are straight forward and without us thinking too much about. Often important decisions are made impulsively, without thinking them thoroughly through. Or decisions that need to be made are completely avoided because we can get stuck, because of indecisiveness, or there are contributing factors involved or both possibilities can seem valid and equal. This can lead to a state of overwhelm, confusion, stress, and becoming anxious. Furthermore it can lead to energy drain and a lot frustration going over and over a decision that has to made; which can weigh heavily and have a really negative impact.