The mental aspect of you, or what we will call your CONSCIOUSNESS, is so hard to define that it has become one of the most mysterious conundrums of existence. Clearly something we all experience, (an intrinsically significant portion of who we ARE), it is surprising how hard it is to explain.

It is one of the only pieces of your BEING that continues to mystify all leaders of knowledge. It remains technically “indefinable” by modern science; think of it as an attempt to explain the “color” red to a blind person, or the “taste” of something the recipient has never experienced.

Some philosophers call this phenomenon, (non coincidentally), “phenomenology.”

Unlike things in this physical third-dimensional reality. It isn’t something we can experience with our senses. It cannot be analyzed or calculated with the few physical truths we know in this life, (such as science, math, biology, etc.).

The mind wields great power in our everyday life and is palpable in everyday situations…as well as on the psyche and energetic field of those around us. All thought processes are carried out at the subconscious level that we cannot perceive. Without dedicated intention to bring these vibrations to conscious awareness, we as human beings can​ have unintentionally had minimal understanding of our subconscious power.


Becoming Mindful

If we don’t practice daily MINDFULNESS of our intuitive thoughts, our self-awareness only lives in the physical realm and can prompt us to underestimate the epic power of our mind’s processes.

Our thought begins a cyclical process…our emotions amplify that energetic output, and then our physical actions increase the momentum of what will come back.

Cause and Effect

The quality of our life is directly dependent upon the quality of our thoughts. Which stem from our beliefs.

​The Universe is impartial to all and holds no bias on what is considered “positive or negative” to you. Whatever we reflect in the ethers has our signature on it. It’s (being recorded in our eternal library of the Akashic Records), ​and it snowballs back to us at some point in time with a greater intensity via the Universal Law of Attraction. If our thoughts are of a purer intentional quality, we will be overwhelmed by greater abundance in all areas of our life.

However, if our thoughts and (beliefs) are in defiance to the Universal Laws, life will be find it to be a lot more difficult and painful. The genuine nature of the thoughts that we emit into the ethers is attracting similar energy. This even includes those people that exist in the environmental space of energy thrown out by others to the cosmos. This is why, when they finally return to the owner, the impact is tremendously intensified.


Fear driven by the ego

For the majority part of our lives, our minds are inevitably subjected to fear-based influence. Unfortunately, this corrupts the most vulnerable piece of our being that is led by ego; the physical portion that is easily swayed to indulge in harmful thoughts that occur in our conscious awareness.

Harsh and destructive thoughts of anger, hatred, malice, and sadness. They have a disparaging effect on the fine texture of our mind. The mind becomes warped, and is thrown out of alignment with the Universal Mind with which it must maintain its connectivity for perfection and radiant health.

A mind that brings up ideas that do not serve you is normal – we are ALL human – but it is restricting your spiritual growth in this existence. Our brain is a powerful tool that needs to be kept bright and shining with optimum thoughts. Allowing our mind to be exposed to and eventually accept thoughts that do not serve us is detrimental to our spiritual ascension. It can be compared to knowing we have the potential to miraculously change our reality, yet we continue to tell the Universe to bring us difficulties instead.

Past and Future

Manifest healthful thoughts that will fine-tune our mind with the dawning of each day. A magical thing to remember is this: as we perceive life, there is no past and there is no future. To speak of the past is intangible, and when we reach that “moment” of the future we once spoke about, it is then THE PRESENT. All we have – to contemplate, and create with – is NOW.


Soul Contact

We have lived many lives before this, and most of us carry a load of internal emotional grudge we don’t recognize…never mind have the ability to decipher what we must do in this life to balance it.

This is reflected in our Soul Contract, as a collective gathering of all: successes, difficulties, failures, and even emotional baggage. It takes lifetimes to accumulate; just as with the energetic vibration, we put out. It always comes back tenfold in each lifetime, to ensure this time we learn to create a reality of prosperity and harmony. Being mindful of our thoughts and where they are coming from will assist us in avoiding any additional toxic baggage along the way.

The initial thought that crosses our awareness generally your intuition. The next one is typically a criticism generated by our mental consciousness. How you can tell by this? By asking yourself. Is it a loving thought? Does it bring me peace and happiness?


Lifetimes of baggage

Additionally, some baggage we carry that causes negative thought patterns can be from a lifetime before. Or even a string of lifetimes containing an omnipresent issue to be worked on in this one. In fact, multiple parts of each of our incarnated entities exude out of our current being – naturally and unavoidably. Learning to decipher, acknowledge, and move past the feelings and thoughts that we feel detached to, and knowing that we have the free will to then decide what to do with those thoughts. Even becoming skilled at this causes a butterfly effect; our subconscious will begin questioning itself upon manifestation, and our conscious mind will immediately analyze a thought before letting it become energetically powerful.

Once this is done, refrain from going back into the memory-lane to recall the past. Our past has its place in the oblivion; not in our NOW. Peace remains elusive as long as we continue to live in two separate time-zones at the same time. Life becomes wretched when we live out of sync with the moment of NOW, which is pregnant with all the peace and joy that we have ever yearned for.


Becoming Aware 

This simple exercise that can help tame the subconscious mental activity that we perceive in the physical.​ You need to put your mind under strict scrutiny, developing the skill to be tactfully aware as energy comes through. The reins of vigilance must be exerted whenever you find yourself drawn into hurtful memories, or even feelings that feel wrong yet you can’t deny.​ At any given time, stop whatever you are doing, and check in with your thoughts. Be conscious of your thought-processes consistently. Replace all ungainly thoughts with those that will bring a smile on your lips and peace in your heart. Your conscious-awareness must pose as a gateway that will keep all intruding thoughts at bay. Initially, it may seem like hard work, but with practice, and consistency it will become second nature to you.

I would love to hear from you on how you are going with this process. Contact me

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