The Monthly Medicine for August is Cacoxenite – New Beginnings. This high vibrational crystal contains a range of different medicines and energies. It can awaken new opportunities, especially on the spiritual path, and powerful medicine of awakening the soul. It helps you let go of stale energy and experiences and allows for fresh vibrant energy of new beginnings.


Cacoxenite – New Beginnings

Cacoxenite - New Beginnings


Crystal Colour – A variety of golds, browns, and blacks. 

Element – Wind.

Chakras – Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown.

Cacoxenite promotes the expansion of the crown and third eye chakras. This expansion of consciousness aids in healing, bridging the physical and spiritual realms.

Spiritually, it can assist in aligning the personal will with the Divine Will. It clears and strengthens the connection to the spiritual realm, making it easier to understand the will of the Divine and to receive guidance about manifesting that will on the Earth plane.

Emotionally, it will assist in the surrender to the Divine and helps keep the ego rebellion at bay. It can give you an understanding of the emotional issues of your life creations, to feel empowered, and align your life more closely with your spiritual vision. It can assist you with strong emotional upheaval and dissolve emotional bonds, cords; linked to outdated relationships.

It can be used to cleanse the energy systems of any negative attachments preventing you from moving forward on your path. It is also a great stone to use for starting new projects or pursue something that you have been holding off for quite some time. And it can assist you with new ideas and inspiration.

We’ve had an intensive energetic period with 6 planets being retrograde, and as you would know when in retrograde it can bring up issues of the past and present issues that are no longer serving, things that need to be addressed and then released. This allows new energy to enter and be birthed.

We have two Super New Moons, one at the beginning of August the 1st and another on the 30th August, times vary depending on where you are in the world. New Moons symbolize a new lunar cycle and new beginnings, they are an excellent time to plan, organize, and write down your intentions.

Affirmation that you can use.

I cleanse myself of negative attachments and bring the highest spiritual Light into all levels of my being. 

To find out what you need to know, heal or become aware of to move forward in your life a Holistic Guidance Reading will assist you. 

To New Beginnings!!

Blessings, Michelle x

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