The Monthly Medicine for September is Rhodochrosite – Acceptance. It is a stone of love. This medicine teaches you to accept all aspects of yourself and to learn to embrace yourself in all your totality. To love yourself deeply right here and now for all your traits, negative and positive. Rhodochrosite is a powerful heart healer, it soothes the heart and comforts the soul for self emotional healing.


It can assist you in doing the necessary work of recovering, reliving, and releasing the memories of the emotional wounds.


It works vibrationally to support self-healing, the inner child by bringing inner peace and self-forgiveness and allowing you to fully blossom.


It can also be used to cleanse, soothe, and heal the energy field around the heart.


Repairing any holes or damaged areas in the auric field, especially within the emotional body.


Rhodochrosite – Acceptance

Rhodochrosite - Acceptance



Crystal Colour – Pink with white swirls.


Element – Fire, Water.


Chakras – Heart & Solar Plexus.


Spiritually, Rhodochrosite helps one to align with the frequency of love. Rediscovering the scared practice of play. It stimulates creativity and expression.


Emotionally, it can assist with healing the inner child, especially where deep emotional traumas have left one unable to feel joy or express one’s creativity.


Physically, it helps with stress-related issues.


Numerologically, September is a 9 vibration, which represents completion, endings, and wrapping things up. It will be a month of cleansing, clearing, and releasing any lingering aspects within that are holding you back personally.


Acceptance can also relate to situations that are have been hard to accept, that you have tried to overcome, bridge or change, and bring healing to the person, situation, or yourself, and it hasn’t changed at all. Then its time to accept how things actually are and release it though love and forgiveness, so that you can be free of it. And to truly accept that all is in Divine order, it will bring you a sense of fulfillment, peace, and deep awakening.


To bring more acceptance in, watch your thoughts, do a self-inventory, and catch yourself when the negatives come through. Look for the positives within. Avoid dichotomies, like good and bad, etc. Stop judging yourself and focus on the now. And importantly forgiving yourself for any perceived mistakes.


Acceptance can allow space for miracles to occur and the process can truly set you free. 


An affirmation that you can use.


With compassion for myself and others, I engage the process healing from past wounds and I embrace with joy the recovery of my wholeness.


Have your own personal Crystal Oracle Reading that will bring healing and transformation to your life.




Michelle x


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