The Monthly Medicine for November is Tigers Eye – Courage. It encourages you to delve deep within your core to find true courage. This powerful stone works strongly with the solar plexus chakra as it assists in bringing balance, strength, and courage. It is a wonderful ally to call on when you require support, especially when learning to embrace courage.
Tigers Eye is a stone of vitality, practically, and physical action. It stimulates the root chakra and solar plexus, assisting you in taking effective actions and remaining grounded, calm, and centered.
Tigers Eye – Courage
Crystal Colour – Bands of yellow-brown to golden color.
Element – Fire, Earth.
Chakra – Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Root.
Spiritually, Tigers Eye teaches balance between polarities and the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It assists in balancing the physical with the spiritual and actualizing Spirit through mundane tasks.
Emotionally, it helps those who tend to go to extremes find equilibrium in their emotional lives. It can help create harmony between people with different viewpoints, religious beliefs, or approaches to life. It is an excellent ally in bringing harmony between families and relationships whose differences of opinion or expression are causing discord.
Physically, Tiger Eye is the blood fortifier, supporting general vitality. It strengthening for the endocrine system and assists in bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry into balance.
On a final note, November will be a month of finding the courage to overcome any challenges or difficulties. Facing things that have been lingering to bring more stability into our life.
Mercury Retrograde, begun on the 31st October and will remain until 20th – 21st November. I see it as a positive period where it offers us a chance to reflect on our journey so far and make the necessary changes. Refine long term goals and see what next steps are needed to get us to our goal. Review contracts to get better deals. It assists in bringing us closure to any unresolved issues with others and finally deal with them. And it is also an ideal time to reorganize the home or workspace for clearer energy.
An affirmation that you can use:
“I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm, and strength.”
Receive insights and know what actions to take through a Crystal Elements Guidance Reading.
Blessings x