Chakra Analysis Reading
The purpose of an Akashic Analysis Reading is to give you an overview of the present imbalances within any of your chakras; within your physical, emotional and mental chakras. This will inform you on which area/s you are needing to make some necessary corrections to restore balance. It also includes an energetic realignment of your chakra system.
There are seven main chakras in our body and our spiritual and physical health depends on whether chakras are balanced or not. The word “chakra” in Sanskrit means vortex. Chakras are centers of energy and consciousness in the human organism which metabolize energy.
Our chakra system exists not just in our third dimensional physical body, but also in our fourth dimensional aspect, in our emotional and mental energy bodies. Imbalances can be found at any of these levels.
We never have all the chakras balanced perfectly, it greatly depends on what’s going on in our lives. Chakra imbalances are generally caused by lifestyle imbalances. We direct energy in our lives through our choices. They can become underactive, overactive or even blocked causing many different issues and restricting the flow.

Your Akashic Analysis Reading will include:
- A full analysis of your 7 main chakras, it also includes your 8th chakra, the Soul star chakra.
- A description of each chakra whether it is balanced, underactive or overactive within the physical, emotional and mental.
- An energetic realignment of your chakras.
- Suggestions on what can be implemented to make improvements to promote balance
What is required?
For your Akashic Analysis Reading. Please complete the Akashic Records Readings Form.
Additional Information
Michelle will provide you with a full description analysis of your chakras. It will be delivered via telephone or via recording as per terms and conditions, Akashic Readings Information. It can take around an hour or more to complete your full chakra analysis. Please allow up to 5 days for delivery times can vary depending on the amount of many readings in the queue.
Chakra Analysis Reading
$144.00Add to cart