Angel Card Readings


Angel Card Readings are loving, encouraging, inspirational and delivered by unconditional love and without judgement. They cover a wide range of areas and provide you with a more in depth reading. For any questions or situations that you have in your life that require clarity, resolve or to gain a new perspective. A Angel Card Reading will assist you on your path.

The guidance is lead by your Spirit team, which consists of Your Angels, Spirit Guides and your Higher Self. Your Spirit team always wish to assist you on your path, and always have your best interest at heart. Michelle connects with your Spirit team to provide you with answers to your questions, via the Clair senses. Contact form below for your questions.


The Angel Card Readings

The Angel Card Readings spreads listed below can contain up to 10 cards or more for deeper insight into any situation. Reading topics include; Romance, Relationships, Life Purpose, Health, Career, and Decision-Making questions.

Angel Card Career Reading

An Angel Card Career Reading is ideal if you are needing guidance regarding your career path. If you are contemplating on taking a new job opportunity, are considering making any changes with your current situation. Making a career change, or even moving on to a totally new career. This Angel Card Career Reading will weigh up your options and bring clarity to your options on the best suitable direction.

$122.00Add to cart

Angel Card Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross is one of the most well known and treasured spreads in tarot. It can answer questions about any topic. It is a spread of ten cards that reveals the basis of your situation, the challenges, the past, the present, the near future and the likely outcome.

$122.00Add to cart

Health Steps Spread

A Health Steps Spread offers you guidance on your health concerns questions. It offers insight, assistance and direction to improve the situation. It reveals physical elements and insight into emotional concerns that are impacting your health, any assistance, what changes are need and what the next step is to better health.

$100.00Add to cart

Loving Heart Spread

The Loving Heart Spread is for relationships of any kind. It offers an overview of what’s going on between both parties, current challenges with the relationship, each person’s hopes for the relationship & feelings. What is affecting the relationship. It offers insight in how to bring harmony and the most likely scenario regarding the future of the relationship if no changes are made.

$111.00Add to cart

Plan B Spread

The Plan B Spread is for when situations just don’t seem like things are going the way we were hoping they would. It offers insight into changes that could help get things going again. It reveals what you are trying to accomplish, the experience, challenges, unconscious and hurdles. Information that would benefit your plan and results you can expect by implementing your Plan B. It is great for decision-making questions.

$99.00Add to cart

Additional Information

Please read the Angel Card Readings Information regarding the reading process.

What others are saying….

Michelle provided wonderful insight and light on my situation. Sometimes even intuitives need guidance in situations where they can’t be objective. She offered me detailed info that hit the nail on the head. Her reading gave me encouragement in a situation that I was about to completely give upon. I highly recommend her services.

Erika Edwards – Virginia, United States

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Angel Card Readings