Crystal Oracle Readings
These unique Crystal Oracle Reading Cards are a sacred healing oracle and powerful transformation tool. They share and offer tangible healing, wisdom and guidance from the Crystal Kingdom. A variety of readings to assist you on varies levels. For more detailed information, including a picture of the spreads and how it can assist you. Learn More…
Crystal Elements Guidance Reading
The Crystal Elements Guidance Reading offers a deeper understanding and guidance in all aspects of your life. You are guided by the four elements; Air, Water, Fire and Earth as they share their insights with you via the elements. You receive a message from Spirit and the understanding, blessing or gift of the situation in question. Learn More….
Crystal Cross Guidance Reading
An Crystal Cross Guidance Reading is when you are looking for a more detailed reading and require deeper clarity on an issue or situation in your life. It is a 6 card spread that offers you guidance and includes a message from the Crystal Kingdom. Learn More….
Grandmother Crystal Deva Guidance Reading
A Grandmother Crystal Deva Guidance Reading is a ideal when you are looking for a deeper understanding of a issue or situation. When you want to understand how a current situation is influencing you, by receiving the awareness you are able to move forward and know the potential outcome of any situation. Learn More….
Holistic Guidance Reading
The Holistic Guidance Reading is ideal when you require healing on all levels. A Holistic Guidance Reading offers you information and guidance on what you need to know, heal or become aware of to move forward in your life. Or if there is a specific issue you can ask for guidance. It covers the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects. Learn More….
Shaman Healing Guidance Reading
A Shaman Healing Guidance Reading is ideal for anyone embarking on the journey of healing all aspects of the self. It is a very powerful spread and brings healing and awareness to the aspects that are hidden in the unconscious or what is at times called the shadow or ego. Learn More….