A Crystal Chakra Healing will assist in an alignment and balance of the 7 chakra system to restore the harmonious flow. Allowing each of the chakras energy to flow in and out of the body, clearing and restoring and promoting balance.
The chakras are centers of consciousness within the etheric body. Each chakra relates to different aspects of your body physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When the chakras are out of balance it can create disharmony in your day to day life. Most of our energetic patterns and suppressed emotions can be held within the chakras so balancing them can bring deep self-awareness and create healing and well-being into our lives.
Crystals are divine gifts and sacred tools from Mother Earth that assist us in our growth, transformation and healing. When crystals are placed on the chakras an alignment and balance starts to occur as the crystal vibration connects to our vibration and the law of resonance is activated, allowing us to open and surrender, for healing to take place.
Benefits of a Crystal Chakra Healing
Assists in transforming issues of:
Releasing suppressed emotions
Removing energy blocks
Releasing of emotional, mental & physical imbalances.
A overall balance
Feeling grounded
Peace & Tranquillity
Positive energy flow
Crystal Chakra Healing Process
Michelle creates a sacred space with soft gentle music playing. Crystals are placed on each of your chakras. Healing guides are called in. You are then guided to a relaxed state. Michelle uses hand placements over each of the chakras to assist in the process. Other healing energy work may also included; such as Reiki and Energy Clearing as intuitively guided.
After the Crystal Chakra Healing
Michelle will share any messages that she may have received for you. After the healing the energies will continue to integrate. This process can last for a few days. Emotions may continue to come up for you days after the healing, so it is important for you to be gentle with yourself. The physical and emotional bodies need time out to rest and recuperate.
To make a booking for an Crystal Chakra Healing. Please contact Michelle via the Contact form. Leave a phone number that you wish to be contacted on. Michelle will contact you to arrange a suitable day and time for you.