Past Life Healing
This Past Life Healing is a powerful process in identifying energetic blocks allowing the release to promote a deep healing. Releasing past life patterns brings awareness to old patterns that play out in your life, so you understand where the patterns started, realise the gift from the experience, and let go of the patterns with love and gratitude.
Past Lives & Karma
The Eastern worlds and cultures have believed for thousands of years that our soul has lived before and understood the concepts of past life. The world we live called Earth is a very popular school of life where many souls line up to incarnate to learn valuable soul lessons of love. Each soul accumulates karma good and bad and come back to experience similar lessons again until the soul has learnt the lesson. Karma is not punishment it is simply learning and mastering the lessons on Earth. The souls recreates the karmic energy in the cells of the new body and life so it can experience similar situations with usually the same souls for growth and finally enlightenment. Karma is a universal law of cause and effect.
Past Life Healing benefits
Past life healing can assist greatly and deeply with learning the lesson and clear up any misunderstanding of trauma that has been created in the past from these experiences. To simply understand the lesson is to awaken to its true essence without taking oneself and others personally where you can see life from a non judgmental reality and have a deep sense of unconditional love for yourself and others. To heal and release old wounds, trauma and pain from the past experiences all one is to do is understand the past with a different perspective and once this is active, healing can take place on its own.
The only reason we bring past life issues into this life is simply because we have not yet received the blessing or gift from the situation. There is something to learn or let go of for us to see. Once this lesson is learnt and the gift is received the karma will be dissolved. Once we uncover the root cause to the situation the issue can dissolve when we realise it is in the past. Understanding can break old patterns allowing for deep healing to occur.
Past Lifetimes
Our past life experiences have helped make us who we are today. It can allow us to reconnect to certain gifts and knowledge we may have gained in those past lifetimes and utilise it in the here and now to our benefit and perhaps to the benefit of others. We all carry within us the experiences that we have had over our many incarnations, we remember the love we have shared, we remember the loss and grief we have suffered, we remember the hurts and betrayal we have had inflicted upon us, we also hold memory of the pain we have inflicted upon others and we remember those who have journeyed with both dark and in the light.
A Past Life Healing
Assists in transforming issues of:
Self Sabotage
Relationship Entanglements
Fear and Phobias
Self worth and trust
Reoccurring programs and patterns
Family dysfunction and disharmony
Releasing Karmic Patterns
Inner Peace
Self and Unconditional Love
Emotional and mental freedom
Physical Health
Joy and happiness
Relationship and family healing
Past Life Healing process
Michelle creates a sacred space and assists in making you become aware of these old emotions and belief systems by expanding your awareness and holding space. She supports and guides you in revisiting this time and bringing light to the situation and understanding of the lesson. So you are able to release the energy block and regain that part of your soul that has been fragmented. In this release of old energy, love to the source is regained and healing can occur.
To make a booking. Please contact Michelle via the Contact form. Leave a phone number that you wish to be contacted on. Michelle will contact you to arrange a suitable day and time for you.